Blah Blah Podcast Episode 70

blah blah podcast ST


Good afternoon!

So my buddies and I do a podcast every week. We talk about everything in the entertainment world; from movies, to TV, to weird miscellanies stories. You all should check it out! Prepare your ears….


Blah Blah Podcast Episode 70 



John Bodyega Cast In Pacific Rim 2









This is definitely some unexpected news. John Boyega, the actor who plays Finn in the latest Star Wars film has been cast as the main lead in the upcoming Pacific Rim sequel. Boyega made this news known by sending out an enthusiastic tweet:


Screen Shot 2016-06-06 at 2.44.44 PM


As you can tell, Guillermo Del Toro will not be returning to direct. That responsibility falls to Steven S. Deknight, of Netflix’ Daredevil fame. Who will Boyega be playing, though? My money’s on a younger version of Idris Elba’s character from the first Pacific Rim. I mean, they share similar accents…




Netflix’s Daredevil Story Leak!

Okay, okay okay… brace yourself everybody!

Now I don’t usually get information of this caliber but I recently did from an unnamed source. This source described to me an episode of the upcoming Daredevil series that’s premiering on Netflix on April 10th. Read if you… DARE.



Apparently once Matt Murdock is an established hero, running around New York City busting crime, there will be an imposter or two also trying to stand for justice. After dealing with a few, one of them finds their way through the court system.

If you don’t know, Matt Murdock only moonlights as Daredevil. During the day he’s a tried and true attorney. So, he’s gotten word that one of the impersonators has been captured and sent to jail and now Murdock has to defend him in court.

The real kicker here is that the impersonator is none other than the current Batman himself… Ben Affleck! That’s right, ladies and gentlemen. It seems that Marvel is poking fun at the previous actor who played Daredevil over 10 years ago. My sources also claim that Murdock will be defending Affleck’s Daredevil saying “he’s just trying to do the right thing”. I highly respect a company that can poke fun at itself sometimes.

Here’s a little reminder of Affleck’s Daredevil


Check Out My First Web Show!

Hey guys! So my friends and I are gonna do what every millennial these days does and try to get popular on YouTube. The first show we’re making is called “And Chris Says…”

It’s a show about me showing random internet weirdness to my friend Chris and his reactions. It’s like an ink blot test but for crazy movie!

Don’t be afraid to check out my channel, too. Blah Blah Productions. There you’ll find a ton of podcasts my friends and I do. Hope you enjoy!

Infamous Second Son Review


I’ll throw this out there right away. The original Infamous is one of my favorite games of all time. It was a perfect superhero origin story that blended action, drama, and compelling gameplay into one heroic package. Infamous 2 was also a great game but it didn’t reach the heights of its predecessor.

When Infamous Second Son was announced I was hoping to experience the same euphoric rush the first game gave me.

What I got was… almost there… again.

To start with the positives – Infamous Second Son is a gorgeous looking game. It was the first game I got for my new PS4 and it really showcased how powerful Sony’s new system is. Aside from the outstanding graphics, the controls were fluid and responsive; as one would expect from an Infamous game.

The main culprit here is the story. Infamous one had an amazingly simple story of a guy being bestowed with super powers he didn’t want. The duration of the game involved him fending off villains, handling relationships and the entire thing came to a head at the end with an extremely clever twist. Infamous 2 had great gameplay but the story wasn’t all there; in fact, it kind of disappointed me.


That’s the same reaction I felt with Second Son’s story. The game stars Delson Rowe, a 24-year-old hooligan with nothing better to do then spray paint walls. He has an older brother, Reggie, who is a cop and constantly telling Delson how he doesn’t contribute to society. These two brothers are so polar opposite it’s corny.

Anyway, Delson discovers he has latent powers and uses them to go after the main antagonist of the game, Augustine. She brings arm to his family at the beginning of the game.

Once it’s established what kind of person Delson is and what kind of powers he has, Infamous Second Son kind of takes a backseat to the story. Delson meets other people with powers, he continues to hunt Augustine and that’s pretty much it. There’s no big revelation or any surprising moments in the game’s narrative that makes for an awe moment.

The main reason to play Infamous Second Son is for the incredible gameplay. With it’s lighting fast action, responsive controls, and sheer excitement, you’ll find many reasons to procrastinate and play this game.

Lego: Marvel Superheroes Review



Remember how dark and grim Zack Snyder’s Man Of Steel movie was? With its dull color pallet, zero humor and zero chemistry in its cast? Yeah? Well Lego: Marvel Superheroes is the exact opposite of that.

With its fun, bright, colorful and light hearted game play Lego: MS is sure to be enjoyed by all.

It’s quite the comical affair as an unknown villain (probably Thanos) along with Doctor Doom and Loki are out to find these magical “Cosmic Bricks”. They’re really just big lego pieces but hey, it goes with the theme of a Lego game. Now it’s up to the entire Marvel universe to stop this oncoming threat.

There are dozens and dozens of super heroes to choose from. At the beginning of a level you’re assigned two heroes to team up and take on that task, which makes for some great co-op fun and in the level there are certain things only certain heroes can do. This adds tremendously to the replay value and perfectionists who want to go back and replay levels.



The gameplay itself is very basic with just one attack button and one action button. Each level has a specific puzzle to it that only the heroes you’re assigned can figure out. For example: One level has Captain America and Mr. Fantastic teaming up to take down Dr. Octopus who has taken over the Fantastic 4’s base. After defeating his minions, the player can use Mr. Fantastic to squeeze through a grate and pull down a lever which Captain America will throw his shield at, unlocking a door.

It’s the little fun things like that, which make this game worthwhile. There are a TON of unlockables, too. From unlocking new superheroes, to finding power ups, to PLAYING AS STAN LEE and making him Hulk out. There’s even character creation, incase you ever wanted to be a Lego superhero.

If you have a few hours to kill want some good, clean fun. Look no further. Lego: Marvel Superheroes is an extremely fun side step from all those gritty, bland and boring games on the market. Yeah, I’m looking at YOU Call Of Duty.

And don’t think the game is strictly for kids. I’m 25 and I’m enjoying it… though I am a big kid.



Some Various Plugs

By Jason Green

I’m going to take a break from video game writing for a change and share some student shows I worked on over the semester. They’re really great and I hope you all enjoy!

First up we have Rowan 911. An obvious spoof on Reno 911 except it takes place at my school. I was a camera and sound man starting in episode 2 . I co-wrote episode 3 and have a small part. Enjoy!

Next up we have a skit from my friend Scott’s show the Wordsman show. It’s a Christmas episode just in time for the holidays! I helped work on this episode too.

The rest of the skits can be found here

Overall I had a fantastic semester and hope to make even more episodes in the coming semesters.


Activision Reveals New Walking Dead First Person Shooter

By Jason Green








The Walking Dead is the highly popular comic book series developed by Kevin Smith lookalike Robert Kirkman.

The story follows a man named Rick Grimes, who wakes up to the zombie apocalypse after being in a coma for a month. Rick, than, gathers with friends and family members to survive the harsh zombie infested world.

It’s than just issue after issue, chronicling Rick and company’s terrible ordeals. Actually, issue number 100 came out on the 11th and it was pretty good.

Since its release in 2003, The Walking Dead has become very successful, spawning a TV show on AMC and recently, a downloadable video game from developer Telltale.

Of course one video game isn’t enough and recently, publisher Activision announced that developer Terminal Reality will be making a Walking Dead FPS (first person shooter) game.

This new game, as of now, is simply called The Walking Dead Video Game.

It has a tentative release date of next year and has no relation to Telltale’s Walking Dead game.

The Telltale game is based off the comic book and this new game will be based off the TV show, following the character Daryl Dixon.

The TV show is significantly different from the comics, with new characters, and some new takes on the story.

Personally, I love The Walking Dead. Specifically the comics, which I have been reading for years. The TV show on the other hand, is extremely mediocre with bland, boring, one-note characters, and unsatisfying changes to the storyline.

The Telltale game, however, is outstanding. It engages you with its gripping storyline, fun game play, and tough moral choices you have to make.

I feel indifferent about this new FPS Walking Dead Game. On one hand, the developer, Terminal Reality has a good track record with the games they’ve made. Games like the Ghostbusters game, Def Jam games, and the Bloodrayne games. On the other hand, though, this new Walking Dead game is based off of the TV show which pales in comparison to the comics.

As long as they stick to gripping action, tense moments, and dynamic characters, which is the polar opposite of the TV show, the new Walking Dead game will turn out good.

Only time will tell though.

A few months ago in an interview, Robert Kirkman once stated that a Walking Dead FPS game would be a waste of time.

I guess waving a big bag of money in someones face would change anybody’s mind.


Deus Ex: Human Revolution Movie In The Works

By Jason Green

Well it certainly is turning out to be a good week in Hollywood.

It was announced yesterday that Michael Fassbender would be the lead in the upcoming Assassin’s Creed movie.

Now a mere 24 hours later, another bomb drops in that a movie based off the critically acclaimed 2011 game Deus Ex: Human Revolution is under way.

CBS films, along with help from developer Eidos Montreal and company Square Enix,  have acquired the rights to a movie adaptation with producers Roy Lee (The Ring, The Departed), Andrian Askarieh (Hitman), and newcomer John P. Middleton.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution is the third game in the Deus Ex series.

The original Deus Ex was released in June of 2000, followed by the sequel Deus Ex: Invisible War in 2003.

Eight years later, Deus Ex: Human Revolution would come out and serve as the prequel to the series. I can see making a movie out of the most recent, but chronologically first game, making sense.

It’s a known fact that video game movies are never well received.

But I believe that if handled with the right set of hands, a great video game movie can be made.

When Deus Ex was first released 12 years ago, it was very avant garde. Here’s hoping that this movie will do the same for the video-game-movie category.


Assassin’s Creed Movie Star Casted

By Jason Green

It was recently just announced that the Assassin’s Creed movie adaptation has found their lead star.

That star is none other than…

Drum roll…

Michael Fassbender.

Mr. Fassbender is the acclaimed actor from such movies as Inglorious Bastards, Shame, X-Men: First Class, and more recently, Prometheus.

It was stated that last year Sony and Ubisoft, the company who makes the Assassin’s Creed games, were in negotiations for several Assassin’s Creed movies. Ubisoft’s film department would make the films independently so they have full control over the entire project.

That may be a sigh of relief for some fans of the series.

Now that the ball is rolling, and Michael Fassbender is on board, aside from staring as the lead he is also co-producing the picture.

No word yet though on who Fassbender will play, whether it be Desmond or Altiar.

This film is in a very early stages of production, seeing as how there isn’t even a director yet, but maybe it will be the saving grace in the whole video-game-movies-suck category.

Only time will tell.
